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The results are in...

Flutterby on a camera
1st place - Animal

This year, I wasn't able to enter the photographic print category of the Markham Fair, but I managed to send in some submissions via email for the digital exhibition. Though the prizes are small (a few dollars if you place first), I nonetheless enjoyed the anticipation of waiting for the results and well, it's always nice to be appreciated.

1st place - Sunset or Sunrise

Rural Landscape
3rd place - Rural Landscape

Human Portrait
2nd place - Human Portrait

2nd place - Footprints

Comments (6)


Congratulations Jason,

I really LOVE the first pic with the butterfly. Althought they freak me out, I cant believe how close your pic was! What kind of camera are you using again?

Yee Yee:

As always Jason, beautiful pictures! As I've mentioned before, you definitely have a talent for capturing captivating photos! Congratulations!

I don't know which is my favourite but I think it might be the butterfly as well

Jason, what beautiful pictures. The sunset one is my favourite.

Yay for my fingers!!!
Those butterflies LOVED me! That photo turned out well... very sharp


Those are such beautiful pictures Jason. Awesome job and congratulations!

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 14, 2006 1:54 PM.

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The next post in this blog is Jack Layton at Laurier.

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