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The words don't seem to come as easily as they did in the past. I hold back a lot more and every time I write, it's a struggle to let loose and let my words fly with reckless abandon. To date, I still have not reflected very much on the experience of biking across Canada and my attempt to take on Nanowrimo this month has been abysmal and unless I sequester myself and punch out 8,000 words a day for 6 days, it doesn't look like I'll be making the 50,000 word mark. I'll just do 100,000 words next year.

Comments (3)


I've never believed in participating in things like NaNoWriMo. Writing should come naturally. While I agree that sometimes we need to force ourselves to write in order to catalyze our ideas, it seems arbitrary to choose a month, both in timing and length.

It's alright. I gave up on my NaNoWriMo this year, too. (As well as the last few years I decided to participate.) I just can't write that much all at once. To me, writing needs to spaced out, thought through, contemplated.

And I agree with Jeff. Don't force your words. Let them come, and they'll be that much sweeter.


Yes, I too failed miserably...but 100,000 words? That's just impossible! ;)

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 24, 2006 3:37 PM.

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The next post in this blog is When the headache sets in, I know it's been a good night....

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